Justine Ungaro

My Photo
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Thanks for stopping by, please come visit my new wedding blog, The Unbride or my photography blog. And while you're there, leave a comment, I love comments!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I was just reading Mary's blog and I had to steal one of her pictures because I thought it was just so adorable of two of my best friends in the world. They are both knocked up right now. Mary is just about ready to pop...we don't know what's going to pop out yet...a baby yes...but boy or girl...who knows. Kelly is almost 6 months and we do know that hers is a little girl. But of course she's being secretive about the name. Always likes to keep us guessing about something. :) Anyway, here is a picture. I can't wait to see them when I get back to D.C. this weekend,
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Saturday, February 24, 2007


My mother has been in town this week and we spent all of yesterday wandering around Culver City. Who knew it was such a fun walking city, and it has a booming art scene. We went to some galleries and little shops and for a delicious glass of wine at Bottle Rock. Also saw Willem Dafoe enjoying some lunch in the window of a local restaurant.
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Afterwards we met Gary over at Dar Maghreb on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood for a VERY traditional Moroccan dinner. The food was good but there was WAY too much of it. If you go, go hungry and be prepared to not get to choose your dinner or use silverware or plates. The menu is basically set but there are a few either/ or items. We opted for the chicken rather than the pigeon. I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to food but I just don't think I could enjoy eating pigeon.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


While I was grocery shopping at Mayfair Market on Franklin in Los Feliz today, I saw Mandy Moore in the produce department. She was wearing sunglasses inside and trying to be incognito but I spotted her anyway. Haha! :)
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Sunday, February 18, 2007


Who: Drea De Mateo
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From: The Soprano's
When: Sunday evening
Where: Katsuya in Studio City
What: Eating sushi
Why: Gary and I had just picked up my mother from Long Beach airport and we were all starving so we hit Katsuya for some delicious sushi before dropping her off at Michael & Kay's.



Gary and I just spent the most lovely evening at the Grove. First we went to Jack Gallery for the opening of Todd Goldman's new show. We saw Jared, one of the art dealers who immediately recognized us as regular gallery browsers. I was feeling particularly amorous over a 4' x 7' fuschia canvas painting that read "Gold digger...like a hooker just smarter". I don't know why but I have always loved this one but never seen it this massive or in that color. Anyway, I think I stared at it a little too long because before I knew it, they had pulled it off the wall and taken us into a private viewing room where we could sit down in front of the thing to fully absorb it. Once we heard about the 1 year 0% interest Wells Fargo finanacing plan, the $7500 price tag started to sound not so bad after all. Although Gary and I both started to get a little overly excited about the prospect of purchasing big, original art by an artist who is seriously on the rise (it is an investment after all), so we decided to go talk about it over dinner. After we managed to get out of the gallery and after some rational discussion, we came to the conclusion that even if we forked over $7500 for this thing, we have absolutely no where to hang it. Hmm. The decision became very clear after that. BUT, we did go back to tell Jared our decision and promised to return to take a look at our options of buying something a little smaller...which I think will also be very exciting. Oh yeah, and Selma Blair was at the opening too...with a short blonde pixie cut. Adorable!
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And that reminds me that last night on our way to Pinkberry (yes again), Gary, Oliver and I spotted Trishelle from The Real World outside of The Dresden on Vermont.
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Friday, February 16, 2007


Last night a bunch of us gathered at Kaylyn's to watch the 3 most recently edited Shut Up Stella webisodes. They are absolutely brilliant and I'm just dying for everyone else to see them. Kay and the girls leave tomorrow for a 2 week trip to London. I wanted to go with them but Sony would not pony up the cash for my airfare so it looks like I'm staying around here until my next trip back to D.C. It sounded like an awfully long flight from here anyway, ugh!
Anyway, while we were all at Kaylyn's, I did some headshots for the Sixteen Blue website...mugshot style. Gary rented the little board and all of the letters and we used a blank wall in Kaylan's apt. for the background. I lit it with an off-camera strobe so that it didn't look too much like somebody's apartment. Then I blew out the faces with some really stronng direct on-camera flash. Really against everything I stand for as a photographer but it was the look Gary wanted. I think they are kind of a riot actually.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Last night I finished designing the wedding album for Amit & Gillian, whose wedding I shot in Trinidad last September. For those of you who don't know where Trinidad (& Tobago) is, (which I didn't), it is just off the northern coast of South America, near Aruba. Amit and Gillian are both doctors with practices in D.C. Gillian is originally from Trinidad so they opted to have a destination wedding there. I was thrilled at the opportunity to go somewhere completely new to me and Gary came along with me to help (which I desperately needed) and to have a little vacation. The wedding was wonderful and all of the guests were great to be around. We participated in many of the pre-wedding activities like a float through a bird sanctuary, a day cruise, a bus tour through Trinidad etc.

The one thing that we didn't plan for was the fact that Gary and I were going to be sharing clothes for the week. This was because my luggage never made it there...ever. Not for the 5 days we were there. Luckily, I had all of my camera equipment since I had carried it on the plane. But no clothes, no makeup, no products, no nothing. And to add insult to injury, our trip coincided with Trinidad's Independence Day, a national holiday so all of the stores were closed. When I finally managed to make it to a mall, I found that the style in Trinidad is well, a little bit "hoochy"...as in I had trouble finding clothes that did not bare my midriff and other body parts. :) I did finally get to pick my luggage up on the way back home so luckily it was not gone forever but I did get to cross-dress for several days and go au natural on the makeup.

Here are some images:

The bus tour...
me and Gary on the bus
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These kids really enjoyed being photographed
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Somebody is in trouble
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Lots of people in Trinidad like to wave at the camera
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Floating through the bird sanctuary...
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There were lots of big snakes in the trees...more snakes than birds at this point.
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This was where it got exciting. A big tree had fallen across the river and blocked the path of the boat. Everyone thought we would have to turn around. Our guide thought he would plow right through until the tree started to come up over the front of the boat. Then he decided to get out his trusty machete and he hacked right through the thing!
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The Day Cruise...
Gary with the video camera...all of our traumas on this trip were caught on camera
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Some decided to go for a swim (I had no bathing suit since I had no luggage)
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I was obsessed with this baby
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Gillian & Amit "officially" got married in a small ceremony on Saturday, the real wedding was on Sunday
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Here are the layouts for their album:
(my clients select their favorite images and I do the design from those)
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Monday, February 12, 2007



My friend Erin Ogburn sent me this link this morning. It is statistically supposed to calculate how many people are living in the U.S. with your same name. She said there are 3 Erin Ogburns. It doesn't actually search any census databases though....too bad. Here's what happened when I looked up my own name.

There are 25,497 people in the U.S. with the first name Justine.
Statistically the 1143rd most popular first name. (tied with 35 other first names)
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Justine are female.

There are 990 people in the U.S. with the last name Ungaro.
Statistically the 26894th most popular last name. (tied with 1178 other last names)

There are 0 people in the U.S. named Justine Ungaro.
While both names you entered were found in our database, neither was common enough to make it likely that someone in the U.S. has that name.

Apparently I am a statistcal anomale but all statistics aside, I'm pretty sure there is at least one Justine Ungaro living in the U.S. :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007


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What a big F You the Dixie Chicks just gave to Bush and all of his cronies! With five Grammy's in one night, I feel so happy that their voices are heard and appreciated. Congratulations to the Chicks for speaking up and for finally receiving the recognition they deserve!


Has anyone else seen the previews for The Bridge To Terabithia? Well I've been watching these for the past few weeks and thinking, it's a kids movie but it looks so good. I suggested to Gary that maybe we should take my niece Zoe to see it but he thought it might be too scary. We mentioned the idea to Michael to see if he thought Zoe might enjoy the movie. Then we find out, oh Zoe went to the L.A. premiere of the movie and walked the red carpet and everything. I guess it wasn't too scary after all.

Here she is with her friend Hayden and Hayden's dad, Ed Begley Jr.
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