Ok, I know I have a lot to catch up on so I'll start with last week. On Thursday night Gary and I went over to babysit Zoe and Henry so that Michael and Kay could go out for their anniversary. It's hard to believe that it's been 9 years since I was at their wedding, I was still in college and that seems like a whole other lifetime. Yikes! Anyway, GK and I thought that it might be fun to do some sort of activity with the kids so we brought over all of the fixings to make and decorate cupcakes, including my brand new pink silicone cupcake pan that was among the big box of xmas presents from Gary's family.
Zoe quite enjoyed decorating the cupcakes.
Henry just dumped a lot of icing on top of one of them and then ate it. Just the icing though. Afterwards he smashed the cake part onto a plate.
When you don't have kids, you forget about all of the little things that you should or should not do with kids. For one thing, large amounts of sugar right before bed is not really a great idea. Not thinking about this, Gary and I basically might as well have mainlined coffee right into their little veins for the same effect. So, after pumping Z & H full of sugar, we put them straight to bed. Meaning that we all went into the bedroom for a story. Henry demanded that we all climb into the same bed which was cozy to say the least. At one point I remember seeing icing still caked on Henry's face and thought, aren't these kids supposed to brush their teeth? Another thing that just doesn't really occur to you if you don't have kids. So we eventually coaxed them over to the sink, Zoe went no problem as usual. Henry battled over it and finally squeezed some pink toothpaste onto his toothbrush. Instead of brushing his teeth though, he decided it was a better idea to polish the sink with it. That finally ended with threats to go to bed without a story.
Of course it only took about 5 minutes for Henry to get up to request some milk. Next he got up to say he was hungry...several times. Finally I asked him if he was really hungry or just not tired. "I'm just not tired" he said. At least he was honest. So, Gary spent the next half hour telling Henry made up stories off the top of his head. One of them was about Darth Vader flying in on a pink spaceship but Henry was quick to correct him that Darth Vader is a BOY and that he would never have a pink spaceship. Pink is for girls!
A few hours later, Michael and Kay returned from their much needed night out. We told them about our evening and Henry's strong ideals about what is for boys and what is for girls. Michael said "this coming from a kid who 6 months ago wore a blue Cinderella dress around for a solid week!" Apparently Henry went through a little obsession with this particular dress and wore the thing around every day with a pull-up on his head as a crown. These are the things I was sorry to miss, would have loved to have my camera for that one. :)